My Kitchen


This is where The Foodie Lab takes place! I am so proud of my kitchen and wanted to share it with all of you in order to inspire you to have a clean, organized and nice place to cook. I believe that a clean kitchen is the key to the start of a great day, to motivate you to eat healthy, and personally, a clean kitchen means peace of mind.

A kitchen to me is where I spend the most time, where I do what I love and the main social area of my apartment. Take time to organize it, to put love and passion into it and make it look like your dream kitchen! It doesn’t take that much time or MONEY. Most of my stuff is from amazon or the dollar store, I will be making a video of everything soon and telling you guys where I got everything. But, for now, here are some pictures of my space :)

I hope you have an amazing day! xo

Giuliana Bernini

Giuliana Bernini