My New Year's Resolutions - Listening to My Body


Starting this year off the right way by doing Clean January. 

I am doing a very clean, simple eating diet in order to cleanse my body from all the stuff I ate over the holidays that got me feeling super bloated, and not the best I can feel. It started making me feel insecure, sick, unmotivated, I didn’t even want to socialize much. 2020 is going to be the year of changes for me, I am going to focus on my blog more and trying to send my message out more! I am going to focus on myself and living the best lifestyle I can (AND REALLY do it), come up with new clean and simple recipes and hopefully travel a lot!!

I decided that 2020 is going to be the year of NO complaining and NO excuses! Who wants to join me?

So far I have been eating:

-Lean proteins (fish, chicken, eggs)

-Tons of veggies and fruits (high fiber veggies & fruits like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, raspberries, blackberries, mangoes, spinach, kale, etc)

-Salads (I like to mix fruits and veggies for my salads)

-Natural carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, banana, quinoa, oats)

-Brown rice 

Things that I am avoiding:

-Lactose: I am lactose intolerant and had not been following a strict diet when it came to cheese, desserts, etc. My body wasn’t reacting well to this and it was making me feel really sick. Therefore, I am avoiding all kinds of dairy products not only this month but for the rest of the year

-Gluten: I have found that my body feels a lot better when I am not eating gluten. So I am mainly avoiding regular pasta and bread. (Beer too)

I am making it a New Year’s resolution to listen to my body, live a healthy lifestyle, focus on fitness and exercising more, hanging out with the people that I love and exploring the city!

Giuliana Bernini