Officially a New Yorker!


So, here is a little bit about my new life in NYC! I think it’s insane that I am living right outside Manhattan now. Ever since I was 5 years old I have been dreaming about moving here. It is crazy that I got to do it at 22!

I moved here right after I graduated college because I got a job in the Food Science field. I currently work for a company that makes almond and oat milk as their quality assurance & production manager. What we produce at the facility is a base, that then goes into our own vending machines and makes fresh non-dairy milk for you at the stores, currently in multiple Whole Food located in the New York City and New Jersey areas. This job that I currently have focuses mainly on my Food Science knowledge by applying microbiology, food safety and quality assurance into different aspects of the production of the non- dairy milk.

Besides having my full time job with this company, I also am working for myself starting this website and writing my books! I feel truly blessed that I can apply my knowledge to both jobs I do and share it with you, and guide you through it as well. I love that I am living in NYC because the food here is amazing and I believe I can learn more about food, nutrition, and cooking everyday here! I am going to be focusing on staying healthy but also going out to eat in the city and sharing some of my experiences with you. I also want to share tips on how to stay healthy and in balance when living in a big city and going out to eat. It is easy to cave in a city like New York City where there is something amazing in every corner.

I am excited to see what the city brings to my life and how I change throughout this process! I can’t wait to share it with all of you and teach you some of the things I learn as well. I believe that my favorite part of living in this city is the endless opportunities to grow, learn, and work!

BusinessGiuliana Bernini