My Weekend Morning Routine


During the weekends, I like to treat myself and relax more than I usually do during the week. Because of this, my morning routine on Saturdays and Sundays is a little bit different than the one I previously shared with you guys. I really enjoy a cup of coffee right after I wake up. So, the first thing I do is make my coffee in my Nespresso machine (post on Nespresso coming soon..) and go outside to the river for about 30-40 minutes to think, relax, meditate, etc.

After this, I like to go to the gym before I eat a big breakfast. What I like to eat before the gym is either a green smoothie, or a cup of fruit. When I come back from the gym, I drink some water and relax for about 25 minutes before I start making breakfast. On the weekends, I usually eat eggs + avocado toast. I do 1 Dave’s Bread toast with half of an avocado and 1 sunny side up egg. Eating after the gym makes me feel a lot better because if I eat before going to the gym I just feel heavy and lazy.

This helps me start my day in such a great, peaceful way. I don’t feel bloated or heavy but still got to eat what I love in the weekend when I am not rushed or worried about anything. Taking time to please yourself and take care of yourself during the weekends is extremely important for your mental health and happiness. I like to always remember to prioritize myself during the weekends because of this, because in the hustle of the week sometimes I forget.

What are your morning routines in the weekend?

Giuliana Bernini